Purity Coffee

EASE: Dark Roast Single-Serve Pocket Purity™


Our balanced, darker roasted coffee with a full-bodied flavor, high in antioxidants, lower in acidity, with prebiotic benefits ideal for supporting gut health and overall wellness.

  • USDA Organic Certified
  • Demeter Certified Biodynamic
  • Smithsonian Bird Friendly
  • Rainforest Alliance Certified

Taste Profile:

  • Dark chocolate
  • Roasted walnut
  • Brown spice


  • 100% Specialty-grade organic Arabica coffee

Purity Coffee contains only high quality Arabica coffee beans with no additives or allergens.

Brewing recommendations:

  1. Open packet and place sachet in coffee cup, tag hanging outside.
  2. Pour water just off the boil onto the sachet in cup, using between 6-10 oz of water.
  3. Steep for at least 3 minutes and then dunk sachet up and down several times.

Adjust to taste: Try changing water temperature, amount of water or steep time.

For a delicious cold brew, place sachet in a glass of water and refrigerate overnight.

  • Each carton contains 5 single-serving coffee sachets
Click here for more info on EASE
EASE: Dark Roast Single-Serve Pocket Purity™

About Purity Coffee

More than just educating the world, Andrew and Amber wanted to put science in the driver’s seat and truly maximize the potential of coffee. Along with business partners Jon and Missy Butcher, they brought together a team of industry professionals, scientists, and medical practitioners to help design a process that makes every decision based on health. And not just our individual health and wellness, but the wellbeing of our planet.