KOS | Amazing Plant Based Protein

📍 Goleta, CA

Natural Nutrition, that's it — A single purpose, upgrade individual wellness and quality of life for conscious consumers. Plant Based Vegan Protein Powder – Organic, Raw Plant Based Protein and Vitamins. Delicious flavors. Energy throughout the day. Lose weight for good. No more bloating.

At KOS, we know that pursuing the right “dietary regimen” is deeply and happily connected to “doing no harm”. The joining of these two notions can change the world. We’re sure of it. In fact, we’re on it. So we went ahead and co-opted the name of Hippocrates’ home—thanking our lucky stars he wasn’t born in Great Neck, New Jersey.
So, yeah—The World. Big subject.
At KOS, our goal is unapologetically lofty: we want to feed it. The world, that is. And we know how to do it, too. Yes, you heard right.
Feed. The World.


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