The Spice Lab
Curing Salt (Prague Powder 1)
PRAGUE POWDER: One of the most common curing salts. It is also called Insta Cure #1 or Pink curing salt #1. It contains 6.25% sodium nitrite and 93.75% table salt. It is recommended for meats that require short cures and will be cooked and eaten relatively quickly. Sodium nitrite provides the characteristic flavor and color associated with curing.
WORD OF CAUTION: Use sodium nitrate curing salt with extreme care. Follow the proper food safety guidelines and use the right measurements of Prague Powder #1 when curing meats. Mix the salt cure with water and use sparingly. Only 1 tsp. is needed to cure 5 lbs. of meat. Consuming too much curing salt can make you sick.
Curing Salt (Prague Powder 1)
From $9.95